Chinese Aircraft to Pick Humanitarian Aid Departs from Bratislava Airport

Bratislava, February 7 (TASR) – A Chinese aircraft, Boeing 747-400, that flew to Slovakia to pick up coronavirus-related humanitarian aid took off from the M.R. Stefanik Airport in Bratislava shortly before 5 p.m. on Friday, Karol Sebo, one of Slovak entrepreneurs active in China, confirmed to TASR on the same day.
The aircraft landed in Bratislava on Friday morning.
“The airplane departed at 4.55 P.M., successfully loaded up and cleared. The flight was commercial. It wasn’t any humanitarian aid in the sense that the Slovak Republic was collecting medical equipment and sending it to China. Slovakia will help with a financial contribution. I think the sum is €200,000,” claimed Sebo.
According to the entrepreneur, the flight was bankrolled by local Chinese Government in Cangzhou prefecture. “We’ve got a number of Slovak firms there in China. Seeing as we have contacts with the local Government, they asked us for help with securing contracts on medical equipment. We don’t normally do business in this sphere, but since we’ve been asked for help, we’ll help, of course,” stated Sebo.
“It’s a commercial flight aimed to transport medical equipment such as face masks, protection gloves and eye goggles to Beijing,” said airport spokesperson Veronika Sevcikova earlier in the day.
The Slovak authorities were asked on Wednesday (February 5) to allow a charter flight from Shanghai to land in Bratislava in order to collect several tonnes of medical humanitarian aid related to the Wuhan coronavirus and take it to Beijing. The Transport Ministry granted the permission to land in Bratislava under strict security conditions. Among them was that the crew were not allowed to leave the plane. The aircraft landed in the Slovak capital shortly after 7 a.m. on Friday.