Cifrova Ostrihonova and Karvasova to Run in EP Elections for PS
Veronika Cifrova Ostrihonova and Lubica Karvasova will run for the Progressive Slovakia (PS) party in the European Parliament (EP) elections, party leader Michal Simecka told a news conference on Tuesday.

Bratislava, February 20 (TASR) - Veronika Cifrova Ostrihonova and Lubica Karvasova will run for the Progressive Slovakia (PS) party in the European Parliament (EP) elections, party leader Michal Simecka told a news conference on Tuesday.
Simecka didn't specify places on the party slate they will run from, he only said that PS will present its complete slate in the spring.
Karvasova was previously engaged in diplomacy. "I believe that Slovakia will prosper only if it is a solid part of the European Union, not only in terms of economy, but also in terms of values. Therefore, I feel a responsibility to fight for the ideas of the European project in Slovakia," she said. Karvasova spoke about the need for a pro-European engaged Slovakia. "Slovakia is currently moving away from the EU," she added. According to her, the challenges that need to be addressed are the restoration and reconstruction of Ukraine, competitiveness and preparation for further EU enlargement. She also sees opportunities for Slovakia to develop in all of them.
Cifrova Ostrihonova wants to be the voice of an open, fair, empathetic and strongly pro-European Slovakia. She called on voters to take part in the EP elections. Cifrova Ostrihonova wants to contribute to increasing the voter turnout, underlining their importance. "I see how representatives of Slovakia in the European Parliament disparage our democratic anchoring and, under the guise of defending national interests, they in fact harm them," she stressed.
Simecka declared that nobody from the current PS members of the Slovak Parliament will run in the EP elections. Current MEPs Martin Hojsik and Michal Wiezik should occupy top spots on the party slate. Ex-premier Ludovit Odor will lead the PS slate for the EP elections.
Political parties or coalitions have until midnight on March 10 to submit their slates for the EP elections. Slovaks will elect their 15 MEPs for five-year terms on Saturday, June 8.