Ciz: CoFoE a Useful Platform for Exchanging of Ideas

Bratislava, December 16 (TASR) – As useful as creating a leeway for European discourse via the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) might be, it’s necessary to keep hopes regarding specific expectations in check, MEP Miroslav Ciz (Smer-SD) told TASR on Thursday.
Discussions on the future course of the EU are often held in “a sort of bubble”, with “only the same individuals and organisations taking part in them, so it’s beneficial to expand horizons and hear out opinions from others as well”, said Ciz.
One of CoFoE’s benefits could be a higher level of Slovaks’ familiarity with the EU. “I’ve found the level of people’s awareness of the EU affairs insufficient for a long time.
After all, we’re lacking a television station in Slovakia that would bring round-the-clock coverage of the EU news in Slovak,” pointed out Ciz.