Climate and Economy among Topics Most Discussed by Slovaks on CoFoE Website
Strasbourg, January 20 (TASR) – Slovaks who are active on the digital platform of the Conference on Future of Europe (CoFoE) most often discuss climate change, strengthening the economy, social justice and employment, according to an analysis carried out by data, insights and consulting company Kantar.
The report, which has been published on the CoFoE website, concerns posts released between April 19, 2021 and November 3, 2021 and is focused on contributors who have self-identified as residents of individual EU countries.
Those who claimed to live in Slovakia and were active in the climate change section in the said period most often discussed energy and transport, as well as micromobility models and renewable sources of energy.
Slovak contributors also called for EU funding to be redistributed to support local development and to strengthen the production of goods within the single European market. They were also interested in discussions on joint foreign policy, the promotion of education and a common European identity, as well as the need to reform European institutions and support European funds.
The analysis also mentioned a discussion on the impact of the pandemic on the lives of the Roma minority, which was organised by the Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia.
The Slovak contributors released a total of 90 proposals, 186 comments and carried out 88 events, including virtual ones, on the platform in the said period. In terms of posts per million inhabitants, Slovakia notched up 67 contributions, which was more than Germany (64) and the Czech republic (53), for instance, but less than Hungary (116), Austria (140) and Slovenia (107).
The vast majority, namely 83 percent, of the posters from Slovakia identified themselves as men. Only 4 percent of the posters could be identified as being women, while 13 percent didn’t disclose their gender.
When it comes to age, the most active Slovak inhabitants on the platform were aged 25-39, producing 37 percent of all posts. This group was followed by those aged 55-69, who provided 25 percent of the contributions.
As for education, 64 percent of the posters from Slovakia claimed to have an university education, 12 percent were still students and 19 percent didn’t disclose their education status.