CoFoE: Marcinkova: I Hope Final Recommendations Will Be Put into Practice

Bratislava, May 30 (TASR) – Head of the parliamentary European affairs committee Vladimira Marcinkova has expressed her appreciation for the fact that citizens of the European Union had an opportunity to have their say on what kind of Union they want to live in for the first time thanks to the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE).
Marcinkova hopes that the final recommendations produced by the conference will be translated into practice and that the Union will proceed with the reforms and changes that the public is calling for.
“People have pointed out the shortcomings of the Union and the areas they would like to see changed. For example, the Union has often been accused of being complicated and opaque when it comes to its main institutions. Many of the recommendations may seem trivial at first glance, but I firmly believe that translating them into practice would increase public trust and interest in the European Union,” Marcinkova told TASR.
Some of the recommendations require changes to the European Union’s founding treaties. “In the current situation, I’m not sure whether we’ll find the necessary compromises on all the recommendations; for example, in transferring certain powers from member states to the European Union,” she added.
The CoFoE has lived up to Marcinkova’s expectations, and she’s pleased to have been able to speak to the public, especially young people, regarding what kind of Europe they want to live in at various events in the regions. “I drew a lot of inspiration from my colleagues from other countries on changing [Slovak] legislation, especially in the social field. I see the final recommendations themselves as a compromise, and I firmly believe that a large portion of them will be put into practice,” she said.