CoFoE: Recommendations from Panels So Far Being Discussed at Plenary in EP

Bratislava/Strasbourg, January 21 (TASR) – A plenary of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) is taking place at the European Parliament (EP) in Strasbourg on Friday and Saturday (January 21 and 22), discussing 90 recommendations from the two citizens’ panels so far.
Participants in the plenary are dealing not only with these recommendations, but also with related contributions received via the multilingual digital platform. The plenum will agree on proposals to be submitted to the CoFoE Executive Board.
The first panel, which took place in Florence in December, adopted 39 final recommendations. The second one, which was held in Warsaw in January, submitted as many as 51 recommendations. The final parts of the remaining two citizens’ panels have been postponed due to the pandemic situation.
The next panels will take place in February. One focused on the EU’s position in the world and migration will take place in Maastricht on February 11. The other one, which will summarise views on the economy, social justice, education, culture, the digital transformation, youth and sport, will be held in Dublin on February 25.