CoFoE: TASR Launches Draw for Schools with Valuable Prizes

Bratislava, April 28 (TASR) – Education is one of the important issues addressed by the ongoing Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE), and the aim of the TASRFOE project, implemented by TASR news agency, is to bring discussions on these issues closer to the Slovak public.
The project, co-financed by the European Union under the European Parliament’s grant programme in the field of communication, also includes a draw in which schools can win valuable prizes.
“Our goal is to bring discussions on the future of the European Union closer to students, their teachers and parents. As part of the project, we’ve prepared a series of TV discussions and shows that are freely accessible on the internet, and schools can put them on their websites,” said head of TASR’s foreign desk and project manager Monika Himpanova.
By publishing at least one of the TV shows on their websites, schools will gain the opportunity to be included in a lottery in which they can win vouchers to purchase electronics. The condition is for the school to send a link to its website on which part of the series posted will be visible to by May 31, 2022. TASR publishes all TV discussions and shows on the TASRTV.SK website, and these will also be sent to schools via its newsletter.
“In the second half of June, we’ll draw ten schools from among those registered, and they will receive shopping vouchers worth €350. All other details, as well as the rules of the draw are available on the website in the projects section,” said Himpanova.
She added that the latest TV show is dedicated to educating children of refugees from Ukraine at Slovak schools and integrating them into student collectives.