CoFoE: UMS: EU Citizens See Need to Increase Support for Local Governments

Bratislava, June 12 (TASR) – The conclusions of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) confirmed that citizens in every country of the European Union (EU) see the need to increase support for regions and local governments, Slovak Towns Union (UMS) spokesperson Daniela Pirselova has told TASR, adding that they share this opinion in full.
“We would appreciate it if state officials managed to identify themselves with this opinion, too,” noted Pirselova. According to UMS, local governments, including those in Slovakia, confirmed their irreplaceable role in society, closeness to their residents and the ability to respond quickly and promptly in case of any crisis over the past two years.
“We are all the more sorry about the state’s latest proposals that would result in financial weakening of local governments. These proposals contradict to the ideas of the citizens who participated in the CoFoE conclusions, to the recommendations at the EU level, as well sa to the real experience of the citizens of Slovakia,” stated Pirselova.
UMS finds it sad that instead of supporting local governments, the state is doing its utmost to punish them for their responsibility and abilities.