Court Exonerates Former Military Intelligence Chief

Bratislava, September 19 (TASR) – Bratislava Regional Court on Thursday exonerated former director of the Military Intelligence Service Roman Mikulec of the accusation of endangering confidential information related to the police’s discovery of a microcard containing secret information in his car in 2013.
The incident in 2013 took place shortly after Mikulec pointed to embezzlement within the Military Intelligence Service.
The regional court on Thursday overruled an earlier verdict of a district court, which found Mikulec not guilty by stating that no crime had taken place. The regional court ruled that “the deed did take place”, but added that there was no evidence that Mikulec was responsible.
Mikulec after the trial vowed to pursue the case further, stressing that he knows very well who slipped the microcard into his car. “It was a member of military intelligence, and he cooperated with the police officer who found it,” he stated.