Famous Humorist and Playwright Milan Lasica Dies Aged 81

Bratislava, July 19 (TASR) – Slovak humorist, playwright, novelist, lyricist, actor, director, moderator and singer Milan Lasica died on Sunday (July 18) evening at the age of 81, TASR learnt on the same day.
He collapsed at the annual Bratislava Hot Serenaders concert at his home theatre in Bratislava – ‘L+S Studio’ – during the final standing ovation and never recovered.
Lasica was born on February 3, 1940 in Zvolen (Banska Bystrica region) but soon his family moved to Bratislava, where he spent most of his life. During his studies he started appearing with Julius Satinsky, and the partnership began to perform comic authorial dialogues. Their approach to humour was in the tradition of Czech comedians Jan Werich and Jiri Voskovec. They developed a new, original form of speech and text in which they took banal, everyday-life situations and twisted them into absurd stories.
Slovakia has lost one of the most prominent figures in cultural and public life, President Zuzana Caputova has posted on a social network in response to the death of Milan Lasica on Sunday.
The head of state emphasised that the work of this Slovak humorist, playwright, novelist, lyricist, actor, director, host and singer will belong to “the golden fund of Slovak art”.
“When someone who has touched us with their lives dies, I feel that it’s as if time has stood still for a while and that the world will no longer be the same. Something important will be lacking,” said Caputova, pointing to Lasica’s unique humour and wit combined with deep human wisdom.
The president also noted that while many of the most successful comedians around the world have whole teams of collaborators, Lasica was able to create along with Julius Satinsky or even by himself. According to the president, he had a gift like no one else to say and do the right things in the best and most entertaining way, bring people joy with his art.
“He literally brought it to the last minute because his life ended where he spent more than six amazing decades – on the stage of his beloved theatre,” added the president.
Unfortunately, Slovakia has lost another legend of culture, Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO) has stated in response to the death of Milan Lasica on Sunday, expressing his sincere condolences to the bereaved.
“His lifelong work is clear proof that no regime has the power to stop creativity, laughter and friendship. In difficult times of censorship, he and Julius Satinsky sought ways to encourage people,” wrote the prime minister on a social network.
Heger added that Milan Lasica was a gifted actor, singer and author, while his unique humour and satire were enjoyed by many generations. “Milan Lasica, we’ll miss you very much,” added the premier.