Danko Calls on Countrymen Not to Allow EU's Lowest Turnout in Slovakia

Bratislava, May 25 (TASR) – Slovaks shouldn’t allow their country to again have the EU’s lowest turnout in European Parliament elections, said Parliamentary Chairman Andrej Danko (Slovak National Party/SNS) on Saturday after voting at a polling station not belonging to the location of his permanent residence, according to his spokesman Tomas Kostelnik.
“We should vote by heart for people who won’t be lazy to work for Slovakia in Brussels. We’re a small nation in terms of population, but a big one in terms of heart and diligence. We have a lot to offer to the European Union,” said Danko.
Slovakia has had the EU’s lowest turnouts in all three EP elections since it joined the Union in 2004; last time it was a mere 13 percent.