Election24: Polling Stations Open, Slovaks Electing President in Second Round
Slovaks are electing a new president in the run-off round on Saturday, with the polling stations being open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Bratislava, April 6 (TASR) - Slovaks are electing a new president in the run-off round on Saturday, with the polling stations being open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
This is the sixth direct presidential election held in the era of the independent Slovakia. People can choose from between two candidates who made it to round two - Ivan Korcok and Peter Pellegrini.
Voters whose health prevents them from going to the polling stations in person can ask the electoral commission in their ward for a portable ballot box. This is intended, for example, for immobile voters or elderly invalids.
Voters must leave unused ballot papers in a special ballot box set aside for this purpose, otherwise they can be fined €33.
An increased number of police officers will seek to ensure that the election takes place in a calm atmosphere and that public order is maintained.
According to the Statistics Office's estimate, more than 4.33 million people are eligible to vote in the run-off round of the presidential election in Slovakia. They can cast their votes at 5,938 polling stations.
The vote-counting will start after the polling stations close. The Statistics Office will publish the preliminary results on the www.volbysr.sk website. The official election outcome should be announced on Sunday, April 7, as soon as the State Commission for Elections and Supervising the Financing of Political Parties gives its approval.