Epidemologists: Positive Figures in Slovakia Due to Responsible Approach

Bratislava, April 28 (TASR) – The positive developments vis-a-vis the spread of novel coronavirus in Slovakia can be attributed to all those who’ve approached the epidemiological measures responsibly, epidemiologists along with Prime Minister Igor Matovic and Health Minister Marek Krajci (both OLaNO) declared on Tuesday after their joint meeting.
“The positive developments that we can currently observe are a result of the imposed restrictions, people’s responsibility but also the economic losses that we’ve suffered,” stated Matovic. “Let’s not spoil it, let’s remain responsible. We’ll be rewarded with the opportunity to alleviate the restrictions gradually,” he added.
Krajci noted that the system of measures in Slovakia when combined with the fact that people have observed them have made Slovakia a model for other countries.
Ex-health minister Andrea Kalavska said that the system of ‘something for something’ is still in place. “The same rules still apply and if we follow them, we’ll be rewarded with more freedom. If we don’t, we could have a hard fall,” she remarked.
Head of the permanent crisis team and tropical medicine expert Vladimir Krcmery pointed out that risk factors still exist. “One of these is if we become complacent and let go of our discipline up to this point when it comes to social distancing and wearing face masks. Another factor is the regime at the borders,” he said, noting that if a second wave of a disease occurs in a country, it’s almost always ‘imported’ from another country. “Of course, the border regime mustn’t penalise those who don’t represent risks,” hinting that the central crisis team will deal with the issue of cross-board commuters on Tuesday.
Speaking of the danger of imported cases and summer holidays abroad, the experts recommended that Slovaks should spend their holidays in Slovakia.