Estimates: Progressive Slovakia & Together Win Slovak EP Vote

Bratislava, May 26 (TASR) – The European Parliament elections in Slovakia on Saturday were most likely won by the liberal pro-EU alliance of Progressive Slovakia (PS) and Together, while figures from Smer-SD, the far-right People’s Party Our Slovakia (LSNS), the Christian Democrats (KDH), Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) and OLaNO were probably also elected, according to unofficial estimates made by Slovak political parties on Sunday.
The PS-Together coalition seems to have garnered 20 percent of the votes, ahead of Smer-SD on 15.7 percent, LSNS on 12 percent, KDH on 9.7 percent, SaS on 9.6 percent and OLaNO on 5.2 percent.
Two junior governing parties, the Slovak National Party (SNS) and Most-Hid, as well as eurosceptic Opposition party We Are Family appear to have remained below the 5-percent national threshold needed to make it into European Parliament.
According to estimates released by OLaNO leader Igor Matovic when 95 percent of the votes had been counted, PS-Together probably secured four seats, Smer-SD three, LSNS and KDH two, SaS one plus another one if Brexit takes place, and OLaNO one seat.
Progressive Slovakia seems to have won a second key vote in a row in Slovakia, as in March it saw its leading figure Zuzana Caputova being elected Slovakia’s president against her main rival, EU commissioner Maros Sefcovic, backed by Smer. Caputova is due to assume to the office of president in mid-June.
It’s estimated that around 20 percent of the voters went to the polls in Slovakia on Saturday. In 2014, it was only 13 percent – the lowest figure in the EU.
The official results from Slovakia will be released as late as at 11 p.m. on Sunday, after the vote will have been over everywhere in the EU.