European Stars Expo Opened in Bratislava by Dutch Princess Beatrix

Bratislava, June 30 (TASR) – Dutch Princess Beatrix opened the European Stars – Miro&CoBRA exposition at Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum in Bratislava on Thursday to symbolically mark the passing of the six-month Council of the EU Presidency to Slovakia from the Netherlands as of Friday (July 1), TASR has learned.
In his opening speech at the gallery, Culture Minister Marek Madaric appreciated the fact that Princess Beatrix paid a visit to Slovakia at the very moment of the handover. He added that he perceived Dutch presidency as being quite successful because the country managed to preserve its common sense in the face of crisis situation surrounding the British Brexit.
Gerard Meulesteen, the founder of modern European museum on the bank of the Danube River, who contributed to the European Stars project with a sum exceeding half of the costs, claimed that he has enjoyed incredible experiences with Danubiana. Meulesteen added that in 16 years of its existence, Danubiana has evolved into a successful museum of European modern art.
European Stars – Miro&CoBrA shows the combination of style and artwork of Spanish artist Joan Miro (1893-1983) and works by artistic group CoBrA (Copenhagen-Brussels-Amsterdam), the members of which are Dutch artists Karel Appel, Constant, Corneille and Lucebert. It is the experimentation with different artistic styles that Miro and the CoBrA group have in common.
Together with Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali, Joan Miro forms a trio of extraordinary Spaniards who made a lasting impact on the development of art in the 20th century. Similarly to Picasso and Dali, Joan Miro didn’t follow artistic trends but created them by himself.
The exposition will be open in Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum to the public from July 2 until November 13.