Fegyveres Questioned in Relation to Alleged Plot to Murder Him

Bratislava, January 25 (TASR) – The Prosecutor-General’s Office on Thursday interrogated Oskar Fegyveres, a witness to kidnapping of then president’s son Michal Kovac Jr. in 1995, concerning an alleged plot to murder him [Fegyveres], Dennik N daily reports on its website.
“We can confirm that today [Thursday] Oskar F. came to the Prosecutor-General’s Office based on a summons by telephone by the deputy prosecutor-general for the purpose of carrying out criminal proceedings,” Prosecutor-General’s Office spokesperson Andrea Predajnova told the website.
The Prosecutor-General’s Office decided to take this step after former Slovak Intelligence Service (SIS) member Lubos Kosik, who was involved in the kidnapping and is now imprisoned in Mali, began speaking about plans to kill Fegyveres.