Figures of Scientific and Cultural Life Call on MPs to Reject DCA

Bratislava, February 7 (TASR) – More than 40 figures of social, scientific and cultural life has called on MPs to reject the Defence Cooperation Agreement (DCA) between Slovakia and the USA, viewing it disadvantageous and risky, TASR learnt from the call’s initiator Eduard Chmelar on Monday.
In an open letter they stated that Slovakia, unlike many other NATO countries, has a very bad historical experience with the stay of foreign troops on its territory. The figures pointed to the fact that two thirds of Slovak citizens reject the presence of US troops on the Slovak territory.
“We therefore want to call on you to respect our own history, to have the courage to reject an unfavourable and risky agreement and to have respect for your own voters, two thirds of whom reject the presence of US troops in Slovakia and most of whom reject the DCA,” reads the letter. According to signatories of the letter, the reason for rejecting the agreement is the fact that the Government circumvented Parliament, not enabling it to make comments and co-create a high-importance document.
Slovakia and the USA signed the Defence Cooperation Agreement (DCA) in Washington late last week. Defence Minister Jaroslav Nad (OLaNO) signed it on behalf of Slovakia, while Secretary of State Antony Blinken did so for the USA. Slovak Foreign Affairs Minister Ivan Korcok was also present at the ceremony. The agreement is yet to be okayed by the Slovak Parliament and ratified by the Slovak president.
The Government representatives declared that the agreement doesn’t endanger Slovakia’s sovereignty. The opposition criticises the DCA, claiming that it will allow US military bases to be set up, bring US troops closer to Russia’s borders and curtail the powers of Slovakia’s state authorities.
Parliament is due to deal with the DCA at its special session on Tuesday (February 8).