Five Countries Sent Bids for 8x8 Vehicles for Slovak Armed Forces

Five Countries Sent Bids for 8x8 Vehicles for Slovak Armed Forces

Bratislava, January 3 (TASR) – Five countries have sent bids for 8×8 armoured combat vehicles for the Slovak Army, Defence Ministry spokesperson Martina Koval Kakascikova has told TASR.

These are the Czech Republic, Finland, Romania, Spain and the USA, with some of them supplying several technical solutions.

The recommendation for the Government regarding the vehicles’ procurement should be ready by March 2022. The price of 76 vehicles is estimated at €322 million, said Koval Kakascikova.

“The bids will be now assessed by a 70-strong project team composed of defence experts and Economy Ministry representatives who will judge bids from the viewpoint of the local defence industry’s involvement,” said the spokesperson. In addition to the detailed analysis, the vehicles will undergo practical testing. The result will be a feasibility study and further documents necessary to prepare recommendations for the Government.

The countries’ bids will be evaluated from several points of view. The price itself will have the weight of 35 percent of the assessment, technical specifications 30 percent, logistics support 10 percent and the level of the local industry’s involvement 25 percent.

“We’re one step closer to new military equipment for our soldiers, worthy of their needs in the 21st century. In addition, involvement of the local industry is an important criterion, as it will have to make up at least 40 percent of the total acquisition price,” said Defence Minister Jaroslav Nad (OLaNO). That’s why the bids will be co-assessed by experts of the Economy Ministry.

The Government approved the procurement of the combat vehicles for the Slovak Army in September 2021.