Former Education Minister Martina Lubyova Dies Aged 56

Former Education Minister Martina Lubyova Dies Aged 56
Former education minister Martina Lubyova (stock photo by TASR)

        Bratislava, November 20 (TASR) - Academic, scientist and former education minister Martina Lubyova died after a serious and long illness at the age of 56 on Monday, her ex-spokesperson Andrea Pivarciova has informed the media on behalf of her family.
        Lubyova was a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. "During her rich professional career, she worked as a scientific and research employee of the of the Slovak Academy of Sciences' (SAV) Prognostic Institute, as well as a legal adviser to the Finance Ministry. She worked for the the International Labour Organisation (ILO) for ten years. She was at the helm of the SAV Prognostic Institute from 2013," said Pivarciova. She served as the education minister between 2017 and 2020, at first as a nominee for the Slovak National Party (SNS) and later as its member. She was also a member of the SAV presidium.
        Lubyova was engaged in teaching and publishing activities. She was a daughter of the well-known physicist and former long-term SAV chairman Stefan Luby.

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