Gov't Office: Untested in Round 1 of Mass Testing Will Be Allowed in Round 2

Bratislava, November 6 (TASR) – People who didn’t take part in the first round of the countrywide testing for the coronavirus last weekend will be allowed to go for the repeated mass testing, which is due in many districts this coming weekend, the Government Office told TASR on Friday.
A curfew applies to people who weren’t tested in the first round. However, they can still go for the weekend antigen testing, said the Government Office. They can do so thanks to an exception from the regulation which states that the curfew does not apply to persons “leaving home for the purpose of an urgent medical examination”, which includes participation in antigen testing as well, explains the Government Office.
“Those who didn’t take part in the first round of the testing can, naturally, take part in the second round, as our aim is to test as many people as possible,” Defence Minister Jaroslav Nad (OLaNO) confirmed for TASR.
The regulation lists several exceptions to the curfew, for example leaving home for the purpose of PCR-testing for coronavirus.
The second round of mass testing for coronavirus will take place in 45 districts this weekend (November 7 and 8). The testing will be held in so-called red districts in which the proportion of people who were tested positive in the first round reached at least 0.7 percent. In addition to residents of these districts, testing has been set for people who need to visit the districts between November 9-14.