Groehling: 6,248 Ukrainian Students Placed in Slovak Schools to Date

Bratislava, April 7 (TASR) – A total of 6,248 Ukrainian students have been placed in the Slovak education system since February 24, Education Minister Branislav Groehling (Freedom and Solidarity/SaS) told a news conference on Thursday.
Of the total, 4,892 Ukrainian students have been placed in primary schools, 618 in secondary schools, and 774 in nursery schools.
According to Groehling, the highest number of students, 1,508, (24 percent) have been placed in Bratislava region. “The number of students in the remaining regions ranges between 550 and 700,” said the minister, adding that more than 80 percent of students have expressed interest in studying at state schools.
Groehling noted that 211 schools have indicated available capacities for children. The Education Ministry is currently aware of more than 6,300 vacancies at schools.