Health Minister: Two Patients Have Recovered from Coronavirus So Far

Bratislava, March 26 (TASR) – Slovakia now has two official cases of patients who have recovered from COVID-19, Health Minister Marek Krajci (OLaNO) stated at a press conference on Thursday, adding that the so-called red zones for infected patients are being prepared at the moment in hospitals in Bratislava, Kosice and Martin (Zilina region).
According to the minister, the infected patient who no longer has symptoms of COVID-19 must remain in quarantine for another two weeks. If he subsequently does not show any disease, he must be tested twice more negative to be finally declared a person who has overcome the disease. Krajci did not want to specify the age and further information about the two patients cured for personal data protection.
Krajci further said that hospitals are already prepared for patients who will need top health care. Red zones, that is blocks reserved for infected patients, should be ready within seven days. According to Krajci, in Bratislava it will be a hospital as well as pavilion blocks, in Kosice one hospital and in Martin two pavilions. “We’ll adapt to the situation, because it isn’t written anywhere that only those will remain. They will gradually expand, it will be constantly reviewed,” said the minister.