Heger Condemns Russian Missile Strikes on Ukrainian Cities

Bratislava, October 10 (TASR) – Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO) has publicly condemned the Russian missile strikes on Ukranian civilian targets on Monday.
“It’s unforgivable brutality and terror targeting the civilian population, with which [Russian President] Vladimir Putin is probably taking revenge for the bombing of the Kerch Bridge,” wrote Heger on Facebook, adding that Ukraine and other countries view the bridge as an illegal structure.
“The death and suffering of innocents have no place in today’s world, nor does the occupation of sovereign states by military force,” wrote Heger, adding that the Russian president must be held accountable for his actions.
According to Ukraine’s defence ministry, Russia fired at least 80 cruise missiles at a number of cities in the country, including the capital, on Monday morning, of which 43 were shot down by Ukrainian forces.