Hojsik on CoFoE: Slovaks Need to Be Part of Discussion

Brussels/Bratislava, December 15 (TASR) – The Slovak people need to be shown benefits stemming from their EU membership and also need to be part of the discussion, with the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) being the first such step to meet these goals, MEP Martin Hojsik (Progressive Slovakia/Let’s Restore Europe) told TASR on Wednesday.
The COVID-19 pandemic, the climate crisis, but also the growth in disinformation and polarisation of society are reasons why more discussion is needed.
“Slovaks display a longstanding low amount of interest in the European Union and, unfortunately, instead of the benefits and solutions that our EU membership brings to the table, the public discourse is then hijacked by disinformation and Euro-scepticism,” claimed Hojsik.