House Calls on Sulik to Provide Compensation for Expo Dubai-related Damage
MPs have called on the chairman of the opposition SaS party and former economy minister Richard Sulik to provide compensation for the financial damage found by the Supreme Audit Office in connection with Slovakia's participation in the EXPO 2020 Dubai exposition.

Bratislava, December 5 (TASR) - MPs have called on the chairman of the opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party and former economy minister Richard Sulik to provide compensation for the financial damage found by the Supreme Audit Office (NKU) in connection with Slovakia's participation in the EXPO 2020 Dubai exposition, according to a resolution approved by MPs at the end of the special House session held on the issue on Tuesday.
In the approved resolution, Parliament called on MP Sulik to pay the Economy Ministry €634,500 - the sum identified by NKU as inefficiently spent public money, including €164,200 used to enable unjustified enrichment.
MPs in the vote didn't support a resolution submitted by opposition lawmaker Gabor Grendel ('Slovakia' party). According to this, Parliament should have acknowledged the report on the result of NKU's inspection and expressed concern about any mismanagement of public money. At the same time, it should have asked the government to express support for an MPs' amendment to the law on the material liability of politicians that Parliament is supposed to debate at the upcoming (December) session.
Sulik during the parliamentary debate stated that Slovakia's exhibition at Expo Dubai cost the country €7.7 million instead of the originally projected €8.7 million, meaning that he saved €1 million. At the same time, he accepted political responsibility for the shortcomings in the accounting [related to Expo Dubai].