Kiska Had Audience with Pope Francis, Gave Him Baubles from Slovakia

Vatican City, December 14 (TASR-correspondent) – Slovak President Andrej Kiska has had an audience on Friday with Pope Francis, presenting him with a gift from Slovakia – four Christmas tree baubles made by people from disadvantaged social groups in Slovakia, TASR learnt on the same day.
Kiska also invited Pope Francis to visit Slovakia.
When taking over the baubles, the pope told Kiska that he will let them hung on the Christmas tree in Saint Martha’s House, where he will be serving Masses until Christmas.
One Christmas bauble each was made by disabled children and their parents in a Kosice-based centre called Liberta, children and young adults at a children’s home in Turzovka (Zilina region), homeless people from Bratislava-based facility Resoty [founded by late Catholic priest] Anton Srholec, and pupils from a primary school in Spissky Hrhov (Presov region), which is attended by Roma children.
On behalf of his compatriots, the Slovak president also invited the head of the Catholic Church to visit Slovakia. The pope replied to the invitation that he basically received it but immediately added that he has a busy programme.