Klus: Future of Belarus Can Be Determined Only by Its People

Bratislava, August 19 (TASR) – The future of Belarus can be determined only by its people, Foreign Affairs Ministry State Secretary Martin Klus (Freedom and Solidarity/SaS) stated on Wednesday on Facebook following a video summit of EU leaders, noting that Slovakia as well as the entire Visegrad Four (V4: Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary) and EU support Belarusians’ right to determine the fate of their country.
At the same time, Klus noted the EU as well as V4 object against any foreign intervention in Belarus. “Especially ideas about military interventions and various intelligence shenanigans protecting the current totalitarian regime are absolutely unacceptable in our eyes,” noted Klus.
The state secretary explained that EU leaders agreed that they reject the result of the recently held presidential election in Belarus because it wasn’t free and fair. “The legitimacy of President Alexander Lukashenko has been thus undermined and its virtually non-existent,” said Klus. “At the same time, we call for a swift rerun of the presidential election in line with international obligations,” added Klus.