Kollar and Pekarova Adamova Discuss Rising Prices, Nuclear Energy and Pandemics

Bratislava, January 17 (TASR) – Rising energy prices, nuclear energy, pandemics and cooperation within the V4 (Visegrad Four: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) and Slavkov (Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia) formats were high on the agenda of a meeting between Slovak Parliamentary Chair Boris Kollar (We Are Family) and Czech Chamber of Deputies Chair Marketa Pekarova Adamova at Bratislava Castle on Monday.
“We’ve found a lot of common issues regarding the pandemic, nuclear energy, rising energy prices and inflation. I think that cooperation between our countries will continue to be above standard. I’m very pleased that we also understood each other when looking at the V4 and future common functioning within the V4,” Kollar told a joint press conference.
Pekarova Ademola emphasised that the two also agreed on the issue of nuclear energy. “We agree that we want to continue to work to ensure that nuclear energy is seen as an emission-free source. I believe we’ll be successful in this effort,” she said.
According to her, membership of the EU, but also of the Slavkov format is an important basis for cooperation. The head of the Czech Chamber of Deputies invited Kollar to visit the Czech Republic.
They also agreed that the V4 is useful, necessary and should not be used for the interests of one state alone. “It’s a general rule that we want to honour,” said Pekarova Adamova. They also intend to cooperate on topics within the upcoming Czech Presidency of the EU Council and the Slovak V4 Presidency.