Kollar: 'We Are Family' Won't Support Extension of State of Emergency

Bratislava, February 6 (TASR) – Speaking on RTVS’s discussion programme ‘O 5 minut 12’ (Five Minutes to Twelve) on Sunday, Parliamentary Chair and ‘We Are Family’ leader Boris Kollar said that his party won’t vote to extend the state of emergency and added that it’s necessary to end the restrictions and open the economy.
“We won’t allow another extension of the state of emergency, we’ll vote against it,” stated Kollar, noting that it has turned out that omicron doesn’t have such a difficult course.
However, he approves that some members of the Government want to wait until we see how many of the high number of people infected with the omicron variant will eventually end up in hospitals.
Independent MP and leader of the extra-parliamentary Voice-SD party Peter Pellegrini agreed to the easing of the measures. “We must learn to live with omicron,” he said, pointing out that the measures are excluding almost half of the people from society.
Both politicians would consider further shortening of home isolation. “Quarantine can cause much bigger problems than omicron,” stressed Pellegrini. He would focus on strengthening health care or providing medicines.