Komarno-Komarom Border Crossing Remains Closed

Bratislava, March 19 (TASR) – Based on a decision by the Hungarian side, the Komarno-Komarom border crossing over the Danube River remains closed, Police Corps Presidium spokesperson Denisa Bardyova told TASR on Thursday.
According to Bardyova, the Cunovo-Rajka, Milhost-Tornyosnemeti and Sahy-Parassapuszta border crossings are available for freight and passenger transport, while only passenger vehicles will be allowed to use the Medvedov-Vamosszabadi, Sturovo-Esztergom and Slovenske Nove Mesto-Satoraljaujhely border crossings.
Slovak citizens who live or work in Hungary within 30 kilometres of the Slovak border are allowed to cross. They have to show a valid identity card and confirmation from their employer to the border patrol, said Bardyova.
“The Slovak side is still communicating and seeking solutions with the Hungarian side in order to adopt the best possible procedures for eliminating the spread of coronavirus, enabling goods to move as quickly as possible and ensuring that food and medical supplies get through smoothly,” said Bardyova.
Hungarian Interior Minister Sandor Pinter has informed his Slovak counterpart Denisa Sakova (Smer-SD) about transport restrictions introduced in Hungary in order to deal with the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, said Bardyova. They will continue to make efforts aimed at preserving safe and smooth traffic and have therefore set up humanitarian corridors for safe transport, she added.