Korcok Joins Declaration on Concern over China's Actions vis-a-vis Hong Kong

Bratislava, May 29 (TASR) – Foreign Affairs Minister Ivan Korcok (a Freedom and Solidarity/SaS nominee) has joined the declaration of High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, expressing his concern over China’s actions towards Hong Kong, which affect autonomy under the ‘one country, two systems’ principle, the ministry’s press department has told TASR.
“Our dialogue with China must be based on reciprocity and, in addition to trade, it should also focus on strengthening multilateralism in terms of universal values as well as human rights and their observance’,” said Korcok, who discussed with his counterparts from EU countries on Friday impacts of the global pandemic on Asia and Pacific and ho to accommodate the EU’s approach to the region in the changed situation.
According to the Slovak Foreign Affairs Ministry, China is an important partner in seeking common solutions to various regional and global challenges, such as combating climate change and ensuring peace and security in the world. On the other hand, Slovakia must adapt its perception of China to developments. “Our approach to China should take into account that today’s China is both a partner and a competitor seeking global technological dominance and the promotion of its own visions of the functioning of international relations and governance,” stated the ministry.