Krajci: Epidemiological Situation in Slovakia Under Control, Don't Go Abroad

Bratislava, August 11 (TASR) – Even though the number of COVID-19 cases has been going up, the epidemiological situation in Slovakia is under control, Health Minister Marek Krajci (OLaNO) stated after the session of Slovak Government’s Pandemic Committee on Tuesday.
Slovakia currently faces the second wave of the novel coronavirus, said Krajci.
The Committee wants to convene an expert consilium to assess the situation in neighbouring countries. In light of the recent developments, the Pandemic Committee doesn’t recommend Slovaks to travel abroad.
Krajci wants parents to submit sworn statements that their children weren’t abroad or at summer camps with international participation in 14 days prior to starting school. To that end, he plans to table the relevant recommendation to the Government on Wednesday (August 12).