Krajci: Superspreaders to Blame for 80 percent of Coronavirus Cases
Bratislava, August 26 (TASR) – Health Minister Marek Krajci (OLaNO) stated on Wednesday before the session of the Government that so-called superspreaders are transmitting the coronavirus infection among Slovaks.
“We’ve registered superspreaders. I have to frankly say that all relevant data accumulated up to this point confirms that the disease is spread exponentially because of them. They’re people whose behaviour poses a risk to others and they make up approximately 10 percent of all infected people. This one tenth is to blame for the remaining 80 percent of cases,” explained Krajci, adding that the group of superspreaders needs to be eliminated via anti-virus measures.
The minister went on to note that his ministry aims to bolster Slovakia’s virus-testing capacities as of September 2.