Lajcak: 2019 Presidential Election Result Resonates in Washington, Too

Washington/Bratislava, April 5 (TASR-correspondent) – The United States not only paid attention to the 2019 presidential race in Slovakia, but perceive the election results in an extraordinary positive light, Foreign and European Affairs Minister Miroslav Lajcak (Smer-SD nominee) told TASR after his Thursday’s (April 4) visit to the United States.
“As for the Slovak presidential race, I’ve got to say that I was meeting with responses galore. As a matter of fact, it’s hard to recall a single meeting where this issue wasn’t raised. The election results quite resonate here in Washington (D.C.),” claimed Lajcak.
The chief of Slovak diplomacy took part in dozens of talks during his three-day visit. “The result of this election is seen as extremely positive news from a region, which hasn’t been producing that many good news lately. Hence, in this context, Slovakia is perceived in a really positive light,” said Lajcak.
Lajcak also discussed the Defence Cooperation Agreement (DCA) with US National Security Advisor John Bolton and Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan.
“By the way – it was on this very day (April 4) that Hungary inked this agreement with the United States, so I expect the text of the deal to make its way also to Slovakia in the following days, with our people soon to be able to look at it. I hope that this will put an end to all those fabrications and fearmongerings about the dangers to our sovereignty. I’m not under impression that by singing this deal, Hungary would have voluntarily signed away its sovereignty – just as none of the 18 EU countries that clinched similar deals with the United States lost theirs. Hence, instead of frightening people with some imaginary threats that don’t exist, it’d be good to read this text and realise that if Hungary… considers it beneficial, it likely wouldn’t be bad even for Slovakia,” added Lajcak.