Lajcak: New Zealand Good Inspiration in Business and Education

Bratislava, August 18 (TASR) – New Zealand can inspire Slovakia in many ways, such us in reducing youth unemployment, in the field of business as well as in dual education, said Slovak Foreign and European Affairs Minister Miroslav Lajcak after meeting his New Zealand counterpart Murray McCully in Bratislava on Thursday.
“New Zealand is a well-governed country … that stands second in the world chart of countries with best conditions for doing business,” said the Slovak chief of diplomacy, adding that Slovakia should also take an example by New Zealand’s development of information technology.
Lajcak noted that the ‘working holiday’ programme – enabling people to study, work and travel in New Zealand – is popular among Slovaks. As many as 100 of them can take advantage of it every year. In this regard, Lajcak asked McCully to increase the number of places in the programme.
“We’re trying to boost this number. It won’t happen tomorrow, but I hope it’ll happen in the near future,” said McCully, adding that the number of places depends on the size of the country and its population.