Marcinkova: Listening to Citizens and Bringing Politics Closer to Them Crucial

Bratislava, December 13 (TASR) – Moods in society are currently tense, listening to citizens and bringing politics closer to the people is extremely crucial during this time, parliamentary European affairs committee chair Vladimira Marcinkova (Freedom and Solidarity/SaS caucus) told TASR on Monday in connection with the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE).
The MP pointed out that citizens can express their views directly at the conference and take part in shaping not only the domestic but also the European agenda. “I’m convinced that the conference on the future is mainly a place for the general public to comment on ideas about the future of the EU. We politicians have many opportunities for this. This should be used by citizens in particular,” said Marcinkova.
It was European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen who came up with the idea to organise the CoFoE. According to Marcinkova, this is a guarantee that she will stand behind the results of the conference and try to translate the proposals into reality as much as possible in the future. She praised the work of Foreign Affairs Minister Ivan Korcok (a SaS nominee), who according to her, is trying to involve the widest possible public in the discussion. He’s also gathering incentives across institutions.