Matovic at Reporters Without Borders HQ Highlights Freedom of Press

Paris, February 3 (TASR) – The fight for the freedom of press should be linked to a fight for quality journalism, said Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovic (OLANO) at the headquarters of Reporters Without Borders in Paris on Wednesday.
“Freedom combined with responsibility leads to quality journalism, which can protect the democratic system in individual countries,” said Matovic, adding that this has gained importance with the growing role of social networks in spreading information.
He assured Reporters Without Borders secretary-general Christophe Deloire that the current Slovak Government wants to create a “fully free environment for the activities of honest journalists”.
Matovic stressed that his Government is mainly striving to change the “mycelium that allowed the mafias to take control of the state, a situation that finally led to the murders of [journalist] Jan [Kuciak] and Martina [Kusnirova, his fiancee]”.
“Our main goal is to secure full freedom for the police, prosecutors and judiciary, so that perpetrators of crimes won’t feel they are above the state,” said Matovic.