Matovic Gets First Sputnik V Shot

Bratislava, July 27 (TASR) – Finance Minister Igor Matovic (OLaNO) reported on his Facebook account on Tuesday that he’s received his first Sputnik V shot.
“Albeit following a 26-day period of waiting for a vaccination term to be assigned to me, I’ve received a shot,” wrote Matovic, adding that the clinic where he was inoculated has administered Sputnik V to more than 8,000 people. “And all these people have experienced few to no side effects, with none serious,” claimed the minister.
Matovic at the same time took the opportunity to criticise several lawmakers, the State Institute for Drug Control (SUKL) and journalists. “Had ‘schmucks’ in politics, SUKL and the media not demonised Sputnik, Slovakia could have had half a million people vaccinated with it, just like Hungary did. But a stupid fight against Russia and Matovic was more important to them than the lives and health of people … and so we’ll pay for their stupidity,” he remarked.