Matovic: If State Administration Was All Wiretapped, It's Disaster

If it’s confirmed that telephones throughout Slovakia’s state administration were wiretapped, that’s a disaster, said Prime Minister Igor Matovic (OLaNO) on TV Markiza’s show ‘Na telo’ (Tough Questions) on Sunday in response to this week’s police raid at the National Agency for Network and Electronic Services (NASES).
“It’s a fact that devices were installed there [state administration]. They were installed where they shouldn’t have been, and the devices made it possible to monitor any communication,” said the prime minister, adding that it would be a disaster if it was confirmed that communications were monitored. “We really have to wait for the law-enforcement authorities to investigate this, and then we’ll probably be able, both [Slovak Intelligence Service] SIS director [Vladimir Pcolinsky] and I, to say what happened,” he added.
Meanwhile, Matovic reiterated that the 72 heads of district offices will be political nominees and that all other posts will be filled using a transparent selection procedure. The premier confirmed that the We Are Family party will not choose the heads of building authorities.