Matovic Wants to Press Daily Limit of Positives Down to 500 by Christmas
Bratislava, November 16 (TASR) – If we want children to return to schools after Epiphany (January 6) in as high a number of districts as possible, the daily limit of new coronavirus cases should get to the maximum of 500 before Christmas, Prime Minister Igor Matovic (OLaNO) said following a meeting of the Central Crisis Management Team on Monday.
The next condition is that the number of people admitted to hospitals with confirmed COVID-19 or suspected of contracting the virus should not exceed 1,000 and the number of people connected to lung ventilation shouldn’t be higher than 100, he added.
Defence Minister Jaroslav Nad (OLaNO) said that the third round of mass testing for coronavirus using antigen tests will be held next weekend in towns and villages with positivity rates of 1 percent and higher in the previous testing. Contrary to the previous rounds, this time the testing will be absolutely voluntary, without any benefits for those who take part in it, he added.