Nad: People to Get Test Results in 30 Minutes, We Won't Test Housebound

Bratislava, October 20 (TASR) – Across-the-board testing of the population for COVID-19 will take place between Fridays-Sundays, with the actual testing being carried out solely by health-care staff, Defence Minister Jaroslav Nad (OLaNO) has posted on a social network.
Everyone including children aged ten years but excluding immobile people can be tested. People will get the results of their tests in a sealed envelope within 30 minutes of testing. If they are found to be positive, they will receive detailed instructions and go into home quarantine, stated Nad.
If conditions allow, the testing will take place outdoors, said the minister. If they don’t, people will be tested in ventilated premises with the provision of adequate disinfection and protective aids. “Soldiers have already arrived in individual regions, going to district offices along with a hygienist and a police officer. They’re checking whether premises are suitable and discussing further matters concerning logistics,” wrote Nad.
People can be tested at testing points closest to their place of residence, but they won’t have to return home because of it. Hospitals will test their staff and patients. Testing in care homes will be carried out independently. The soldiers and all members of the testing teams will undergo testing as well.
The first testing will take place this coming weekend in Bardejov (Presov region), and in Tvrdosin, Dolny Kubin and Namestovo (all Zilina region). The minister noted that 235 testing points will be set up there.
The Government tasked the military with preparing and carrying out the mass testing on Sunday (October 18). Up to 8,000 members of the Slovak Armed Forces should be assigned to ‘Operation Shared Responsibility’. Nad added that all available soldiers, police officers and firefighters will take part.