Nad: Slovakia and Bulgaria Want to Cooperate within EU and NATO

Bratislava, June 3 (TASR) – Slovakia and Bulgaria want to cooperate not only at the bilateral level; for example in modernising their armed forces, but also within the European Union and NATO in promoting common interests, said Slovak Defence Minister Jaroslav Nad (OLaNO) following a meeting with his Bulgarian counterpart Dragomir Zakov on Friday.
“Both of our countries are situated on the eastern border of NATO, and thus we are facing similar threats. Both of our countries have to deal with many hybrid threats, but also with the need to modernise our armed forces. Both of our countries are seeking solutions to help Ukraine,” said Nad in connection with the common issues that were the subject of the meeting.
The Bulgarian minister added that the two sides agreed to exchange experience in fighting disinformation.
Nad and Zakov will also participate jointly in the Globsec international security conference in Bratislava on Friday.