Negative Tests for Coronavirus No Longer Necessary in Gyms

Bratislava, May 14 (TASR) – It will no longer be necessary as of Monday to possess a negative test for coronavirus in order to be allowed into gyms, while in aqua parks the obligation will remain in place only indoors, the Public Health Authority (UVZ) announced on Friday.
“In cases where a negative test for COVID-19 is required, it will still be possible to use certificates of vaccination or recovery from COVID-19 no older than 180 days. This obligation doesn’t concern minors below ten,” stated the UVZ.
Meanwhile, it will no longer be required to possess a negative test for coming in to work as of Saturday.
In dark-red districts (black being the worst degree, but there’s no such district in Slovakia now), public gatherings are allowed for a maximum of six people. In light-red, orange, yellow and green districts, it will be permitted as of Monday to organise group tours of museums and galleries. Cinemas will be allowed to re-open in red districts and better.
Measuring of body temperature will no longer be required at malls as of Monday, while a negative test won’t be required, either. Nevertheless, consumption of food and drinks in malls will still be forbidden. This doesn’t concern facilities in malls working along the lines of the latest decree for the hospitality sector.
“Kids’ corners and sitting sections can be opened in the monitoring degrees [green, yellow and orange] and in the first alert degree [light red],” stated the UVZ, adding that malls don’t have to observe capacity restrictions in these districts, either.
In orange and yellow districts, customers will be allowed to consume food or drinks indoors, but with certain capacity restrictions.
As for gyms, capacity will be limited according to the current colour of the COVID-automaton in the given district.
As of Saturday, audiences will be allowed at sports events organised by sports clubs, but both the athletes and spectators will have to possess negative PCR tests no older than 72 hours or negative antigen tests no older than 24 hours.