Opposition: Unwillingness to Publish Coalition Agreement Is Inexplicable

Bratislava, March 29 (TASR) – The unwillingness of governing coalition parties Smer-SD, the Slovak National Party (SNS), Most-Hid and Siet (Network) to publish the coalition agreement is inexplicable and indefensible, concurred representatives of the strongest Opposition parties Lubomir Galko (Freedom and Solidarity/SaS) and Daniel Lipsic (OLaNO-NOVA) on Tuesday.
“Our former opposition colleagues talk about what a great anti-corruption programme they’ve pushed through, but the first thing they do is to avoid publishing the coalition agreement. I’m curious about its contents. What did they agree upon there? – state-run companies? constitutional judges? ambassadors? Who should believe them when they say it’s a standard agreement if they don’t want to reveal it?” said Lipsic at a press conference on Tuesday, adding that the coalition is probably hiding something.
Lipsic believes that the unwillingness to publish the coalition agreement, which was signed by the party leaders last week, only confirms that the Government wasn’t formed via a free decision by free politicians but behind the scenes via an agreement among oligarchs.
Galko stated that such a procedure is especially startling in the case of Most-Hid and Siet. “I found it to be very rough disrespect towards their voters. It completes their fraud on the voters,” he said.