Parliament's Leadership Commemorates Centenary of Treaty of Trianon

Bratislava, June 4 (TASR) – Parliamentary Chair Boris Kollar (We Are Family) and Parliamentary Vice-chairs Juraj Seliga (For the People), Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD), Gabor Grendel (OLaNO) and Milan Laurencik (Freedom and Solidarity/SaS) commemorated the hundredth anniversary of the Treaty of Trianon by laying wreaths at the Monument of Peace Treaties on Tyrsovo Embankment in Bratislava on Thursday.
“One hundred years have passed since the signing of this important treaty that adjusted borders, a treaty determining how the new post-war Europe would operate after the First World War. It laid the foundation for our state, with Czechoslovakia being established,” stated Kollar.
Kollar noted that although opinions on Trianon differ, people shouldn’t look to the past, but to the future and to the relationship that the country currently has with neighbouring Hungary. “This relationship has improved a great deal over the past decade and is above-standard good. If we continue like this, all wrongdoings and injustices may be forgotten and faded,” he stressed.
According to Pellegrini, Slovakia and Hungary should follow the example of France and Germany in this regard. Those two countries were able to overcome the old, historical wrongs and hardships that they inflicted on each other, and they even founded a European project from which Slovakia now benefits as well. At the same time, Pellegrini called for good and fair relations with neighbouring countries to be developed and for attention to be given to minorities. He also advised against raising topics that don’t need to raised.
On the occasion of the anniversary, Grendel thanked all politicians, constitutional officials and representatives of the social spheres of the two countries, i.e. Slovakia and Hungary, for contributing to the fact that relations between the two countries are now at their best level ever. In this context, Seliga warned against raising tensions and conflicts via statements, memoranda or any other efforts.