Pellegrini: Culture Minister Lassakova is Person in Right Place
Bratislava, October 8 (TASR) – Culture Minister Lubica Lassakova has managed to face many uneasy circumstances in a short time, said Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (both Smer-SD) following their meeting on Monday, adding that Lassakova is the person in the right place.
The premier and the minister evaluated the previous period, but they also discussed priorities for the near future. Pellegrini praised Lassakova’s involvement in addressing a complicated situation in the Slovak National Theatre (SND). “I’m glad that the SND opened its 99th season as it should. At the same time, I would like to say that both the ministry and the Government are ready to cover the potential needs of this national institution so that it can seriously work,” stated Pellegrini.
Meanwhile, the prime minister said he expects the process of reconstructing Krasna Horka Castle and the Slovak National Gallery (SNG) to accelerate. “More significant progress must be made here, as both reconstructions are making slower headway than we would wish,” stated Pellegrini. He is aware of the fact that the implementors of the SNG’s reconstruction had to face unpredictable facts. However, as far as Krasna Horka is concerned, not even the definitive projects of reconstruction have been concluded yet. “I want a decision on launching the reconstruction to be definitely adopted in this term,” he said.
Pellegrini expects the process of drawing EU funds to speed up as well. “Many calls announced by the ministry under Lassakova’s predecessor had to be postponed and must be revised based on the decision of managing or audit authorities,” stated Pellegrini. “In this case I call on the ministry to intensify the work and eventually draw personnel consequences. It’s bad if tens, hundreds of millions of euros, which are available to us, do not flow to our culture,” stated Pellegrini.
The prime minister has identified himself with efforts to increase support for the regional culture and declare a big subsidy scheme to support Slovak folklore in 2019. He said that the sum for this purpose, originally projected in the draft budget at €2 million, will be doubled.