Pellegrini: The Higher the Turnout, the More Representative the Result
The higher the election turnout, the more representative the election result, presidential candidate and Parliamentary Chair Peter Pellegrini said after casting his ballot at a grammar school in Bratislava on Saturday.

Bratislava, March 23 (TASR) - The higher the election turnout, the more representative the election result, presidential candidate and Parliamentary Chair Peter Pellegrini said after casting his ballot at a grammar school in Bratislava on Saturday.
Pellegrini has called on citizens to make use of their democratic right and take part in the presidential election.
"Every election is a celebration of democracy and, therefore, people should use their constitutional right in any election when they have a unique chance to influence public affairs," stressed Pellegrini. According to him, they should also use their right to vote so that others don't decide for them.
Pellegrini pointed out that voters will decide who will be in the presidential office for the next five years and if successful, even for ten years. According to him, the president will influence the direction of Slovakia. He should also stand up for the nation at difficult times, added Pellegrini.