Police Check Trains and Railway Stations, Find One Illegal Migrant

Bratislava, March 11 (TASR) – On March 10-11 Slovak police officers took part in an international operation launched by RAILPOL (a network of organisations responsible for policing railways in EU-member states) whose purpose was to increase and deepen cooperation between railway police forces in Europe in order to prevent threats and implement measures to fight crossborder criminal activities, Police Corps spokesman Martin Waldl told TASR on Friday.
“Members of the Police Corps inspected 310 trains and 263 railway stations and carried out checks on 301 persons on trains and at stations, during which one illegal migrant was identified,” said Waldl.
According to Waldl, 162 police officers were involved in the operation in Slovakia, 150 of whom were members of the railway police, with five officers from the border and foreign police, four from the riot police and three dog handlers.