Police Corps President to Be Selected According to New Rules

Bratislava, December 4 (TASR) – The Police Corps president will be selected according to new rules as of February 2019, as MPs on Tuesday approved with 76 votes an amendment to the Police Corps Act prepared by the Interior Ministry that introduces the changes.
The police president will continue to be appointed by the interior minister but only on the basis of a selection procedure and only with a recommendation from the parliamentary security committee, which must be approved by over half of its members. He or she will be appointed for four years with the possibility of reappointment. In order to be appointed to the post, an agreement between the selection commission, the defence and security committee and the minister will be required.
According to the law, only a member of the Police Corps with at least ten years of service can be appointed to the post of police president. The amendment states that the interior minister can dismiss him for serious reasons, but this will have to be approved by at least three-fifths of the members of the parliamentary security committee.
Changes are also set take place in police inspections. The amendment counts on creating an Inspection Service Office that should reveal and investigate criminal offences committed by members of the armed security corps as well as check the legitimacy of procedures taken by police officers. It will also engage in investigations and shortened investigations of crimes committed by customs officers. The office will be managed by an inspection chief who will be accountable to the Government.