Police: Drunk Driver Caught Doing 231 km/h on D2 Motorway

Bratislava, March 9 (TASR) – The police on Tuesday pulled over a 31-year-old driver who was travelling at 231 kilometres per hour and under the influence of alcohol on the D2 motorway in the direction of Bratislava, Bratislava Region police spokesman Michal Szeiff told TASR on Wednesday.
The driver exceeded the speed limit of 130 km/h by 101 km/h. A breathalyser test revealed 1.04 parts per thousand of alcohol.
According to Szeiff, the man was detained and taken to a police station, put in a cell and charged with endangering the public under the influence of an addictive substance.
If convicted, the man will face a prison sentence of up to one year.